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History of CCA activities 2002-2015

2014/2015 Tennis court and skate park - Noosa Council removed both for safety reasons and after consultation with CCA and others decided not to replace them but return the area to public green space. Hatch’s Bight gate vandalised and lock removed. CCA requested that Noosa Council install a more substantial gate and consider moving it further down the track and clearing a space to enable nose-in parking of several vehicles. Mobile phone coverage - CCA drew council’s attention to mobile black spots in the Boreen Point-Cootharaba area, noting that as large sections have little or no coverage this presents serious problems for individuals and businesses, as well as for services such as the Rural Fire Brigade. Council proposed that Telcos be encouraged to use the National Broadband Network towers and asked CCA for a letter of support for commonwealth and state funding. McKinnon Drive-Louis Bazzo Drive intersection - In response to safety concerns raised by CCA, the Department of Transport and Main Roads upgraded signage on the curved approach to the intersection. Dogs questionnaire - After receiving a number of complaints regarding dogs in Boreen Point, Noosa Council requested that CCA ask the community a set series of questions and to advise them of the findings. The issue was controversial, aroused many emotionally charged responses and was time consuming for CCA members who ultimately had very little to show for their efforts.

2013/2014 Viewing platform - constructed with funds allocated by Bob Abbot at the end of his term as Mayor of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The viewing platform was formally opened on 11 October 2013 at a lakeside ceremony jointly convened by the council and CCA. Roberts House - unfortunately efforts to secure Roberts House for the use of the community were unsuccessful. Incorporation - The Roberts House matter prompted CCA to reconsider the option of incorporation. However, as had happened previously, the difficulty of mustering 75% of the widespread membership to vote to change the constitution meant the status quo was maintained. Community questionnaire - Prior to local council elections, CCA conducted and collated the results of a survey of community concerns, for the enlightenment of potential candidates. Among the matters raised were services such as: - the Flexilink taxi - rubbish tip hours and reinstatement of the kerbside clean-up - impact of Kin Kin quarry - development issues such as zoning, and building heights and density. Trial of ‘Dogs on Application’ at Boreen Point Campground - Following a decision by council to conduct a trial allowing campground clients to bring their dogs, Cootharaba residents raised environmental and social concerns. Local dog owners were confused about the differing sets of rules. CCA helped clarify the arrangements. Helicopter noise - After ongoing complaints about helicopter noise and commercial use of Tewah Aircraft Landing Ground, the State Government identified alternative less-populated areas where the training exercises could take place.

2012/2013 Roberts House - Since its inception, CCA had held all its meetings at Roberts House. At the end of 2012, the Anglican Church informed the group that for financial and other reasons it had decided to sell the property. However, it wished to give it time to consider how it might save the building for community use. Special General Meeting Mar 2013 - In March 2013, in response to a request from a council representative, CCA called a special meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a proposal by commercial tour operators to have a dredging operation carried out at Kinaba. This would make it easier to access the northern section of the river. The proposal involved the tour operator contributing $20,000. Local and state governments would pay the balance, estimated at around $50,000. Before the meeting, a questionnaire was circulated to gauge community views on issues arising from the proposal. In the end, the dredging did not proceed. Viewing platform - Council put forward plans for a viewing platform to replace the existing floating pontoon. The platoform would be located at the site of the old jetty. This option was favourably received by the local community. Plans were then submitted to the Department of Environment and Resource Management. Once approved, plans were returned to council to call tenders for the construction. Hinterland Noosa Alliance - CCA joined a new umbrella group that was an advocate for major issues with implications for the Noosa Hinterland region.

2011/2012 Fire brigade and shed - CCA contacted the Department of Community Safety asking for a firefighting appliance to be returned to the Boreen Point Fire Shed. It pointed out that while the facility was also used by the State Emergency Services, it was originally built by the community to house fire-fighting equipment for the protection of Boreen Point and surrounding area. Floating pontoon proposal - The proposal to replace the old jetty with a floating pontoon proved to be divisive. Heated arguments for and against continued until September. At this time, the concept was rejected and council was asked to propose a more appropriate alternative. Helicopter noise and use of Tewah Aircraft Landing Ground - Another issue that stimulated vigorous discussion within CCA and the Cootharaba community was the noise created day and night by helicopters owned by a commercial training company. They were using a landing ground at Tewah on the eastern side of the lake. Many believed this was for recreational use only. Complaints were received across the length of the Sunshine Coast. Howver, it would take some time for the issue to be resolved.

2010/2011 The Jetty and its future - Over time the structure of the jetty north of Main Beach had become unsafe. Five of the six piles had broken away at lakebed level. Following major flooding, further deterioration occurred. Access to the jetty was prohibited. CCA contacted council about what action it was planning to take. In April 2011, Sunshine Coast Regional Council advised that jetty was beyond repair. It would be removed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Council also said the department was encouraging it to submit a proposal to build a floating walkway to be situated alongside the boat ramp. Kinaba Information Centre (est. 1978) - It was more than a decade since the information centre at the northern end of Lake Cootharaba had been permanently staffed by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Its future was looking uncertain. A a private enterprise company was showing interest in securing commercial access. CCA helped raise community awareness of the state of the building. It publicised a meeting to gauge interest in the formation of a volunteer group to be responsible for it. Subsequently, the group was established. Its aim was to work in partnership with the Queensland Government to revitalise and maintain the centre and promote the environmental values it represents. Camping at Hatch’s Bight - People were observed camping on the beach at Hatch's Bight. CCA asked council to install new ‘No Camping’ and ‘No Fires’ signs at the Bight and at the entrance to it on Lake Flat Road. Council de-amalgamation - CCA kept residents informed on moves by the Noosa community to separate from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. De-amalgamation occurred following a referendum in March 2013. More than 80% of Noosa residents voted in the affirmative. Kite surfing tender for commercial operator - CCA registered disappointment that the community was not consulted prior to tenders being called by council for commercial operators to run kite surfing lessons at Dunn’s Beach. It raised objections and concerns regarding: - safety - parking - toilet facilities - environmental impact on the nature reserve - monitoring of compliance with contract conditions.

2009/2010 Kin Kin Quarry extension - CCA supported objections raised by the Kin Kin Community Group in relation to the development of a mega quarry on land off Shepherdsons Lane at Kin Kin. CCA kept its community updated. It wrote to Sunshine Coast Regional Council expressing serious concerns over its approval for the expansion and disregard of community views. Picnic tables on Boreen Point foreshore - CCA requested an upgrade in time for Floating Lands Festival. Council advised that Mayor Bob Abbot’s unallocated money left in budget would be used to replace and add to existing picnic tables. Ralph and Jean Duffield bench seat - CCA applied to Sunshine Coast Regional Council for funding for the seat. The seat was subsequently erected beside the path leading to the main jetty.

2008/2009 Special Community Meeting August 2008 - CCA organised a special meeting so residents could meet with their council representative and discuss community concerns. Issues raised included: - Noosa Biosphere legislation - review of camping ground foreshore and signage - safety on school bus routes - option of speed limit on Kildeys Road - status of roadworks on Lake Flat Road - changes to Village Precinct Plan. Ralph and Jean Duffield bench seat - CCA proposed that council install a seat on the lake foreshore to honour the contribution to the community of Jean Duffield and her late husband Ralph. Council indicated it was supportive but asked for an alternative design. Village Precinct Plan (ongoing) - Streetscape modified to comply with requirements of Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The installation of bollards alongside the Boreen Point esplanade proved a contentious aspect of the Village Precinct Plan. After careful consideration of the issues, council prioritised the use of the beach for families and increasing safety for children, and protecting the foreshore, over easy access for launching boats. Toilet block day picnic area - council modifying design to be appropriate for Boreen Point. Lake Flat Road and Kinmond Creek Road proposal - CCA met with council about the possibility of sealing both roads as part of a five year plan. Advised a further section of Lake Flat Road would be sealed in the coming financial year. However, Kinmond Creek Road was of low priority. Also advised that some roads may never be sealed.

2007/2008 Boreen Point Campground - In response to suggestions that council was planning to expand the campground, CCA pressed for a reduction in the number of campsites allowed on the foreshore. It offered to work with the caretaker to enhance conditions for flora and fauna. Village Precinct Plan - Finalised plan thus moving closer to implementation. Council amalgamation - Over a number of years, CCA had joined many others in protesting against planned local council reforms. Despite widespread opposition, in 2008 the shires of Noosa, Maroochy and Caloundra merged to become the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. Noosa Council Fire Plan - The Association responded to council’s proposed fire plan, noting concern at omission of the area north of Boreen Point. Lake Cootharaba Nitrogen Project 2007-2009 - Results from water quality testing in the Noosa River raised concerns about nutrient spikes in Lake Cootharaba. One suggestion was that septic outfalls from Boreen Point might be a cause. A comprehensive study was undertaken led by Noosa and District Landcare, in collaboration with: - Noosa Council - SEQ Catchments - University of the Sunshine Coast - Healthy Waterways. Resident bore owners participated in the data collection. CCA helped ensure that local knowledge was incorporated into the scientific investigation process. In 2009, the results showed that the spikes were more likely to be a natural process linked to changes in salinity and nutrient cycling between lake sediments and surface water, rather than septic outfalls.

2006/2007 Titanium Enterprises ‘The Edge Noosa’ proposal (cont.) - Although there was some support for the scheme’s potential to stimulate the local economy and provide employment, overall, it was opposed by the majority. Many believed it raised significant environmental concerns. CCA was just one of many groups and individuals who put forward views on the proposal. The proposal was ultimately rejected after the State Government intervened. This was a divisive issue that galvanised groups and individuals across the Noosa hinterland. Boreen Point Village Precinct concept (cont.) - In January 2007, CCA was advised that Noosa Council was prepared to adopt a holistic approach to matters raised in the committee’s earlier submission. Council would provide opportunities for further input. In May, CCA provided feedback from residents on a range of issues including: - rationalisation of speed zones - improvements to town entry - installation of bollards on street side of Buffalo Park - camping ground exit, turning area, and improved access to trailer parking - upgrading of path from camping ground to Apollonian Hotel. Lake Flat Road - Following a community meeting organised by CCA, council informed residents that consideration was being given to sealing Lake Flat Road, as far as Kildeys Road.

2005/2006 Titanium Enterprises ‘The Edge Noosa’ resort development proposal - CCA kept the community informed and canvassed views on a proposal to develop a large tourism resort east of Kin Kin on Dr Pages Road. The company had sought preliminary approval which over-rode the Noosa Planning Scheme and exceeded what was allowed under the SEQ Regional Plan. The proposal included: - an 18-hole golf course - equestrian facility - a 100-room hotel - 219 units - restaurants - conference facilities. Tree planting on Lake Cootharaba foreshore - Following removal of unsafe trees at the main beach, council suggested they be replaced. This generated considerable community discussion about the type of trees that would be suitable. Melaleucas were planted. Walking Trails - The notion of establishing walking trails around the foreshore ignited differing views across the community. Some people wanted Boreen Point to remain as natural and undeveloped as possible. Others could see potential health, economic and social benefits.

2004/2005 1 Laguna Street Boreen Point residential/commercial development proposal (cont.) - Community views and a long list of concerns were submitted to council and ongoing changes to the application were monitored. Feedback from CCA and other local groups and individuals resulted in the retail proposal later being withdrawn. Draft Noosa Plan - CCA reviewed the plan. It then called a special meeting to provide a forum for discussion of its contents. CCA then submitted feedback and recommendations on behalf of the community. Foreshore Management Plan - CCA agreed with the view that existing mature exotic pines be retained until they die or until suitable replacements are established next to them. Sport and Recreation Draft Plan - CCA supported upgrade of Buffalo Park to include a playground suitable for 2-5 year olds. CCA also noted the omission of planned skate facility for Boreen Point youth. Local issues - CCA continued to monitor developments in relation to issues already put to council e.g. boat ramp and toilet facilities. Council amalgamation - CCA alerted the community to the implications of the State Government’s proposed amalgamation of Noosa, Maroochy and Caloundra councils into a larger Sunshine Coast Regional Council. In conjunction with Noosa Residents and Ratepayers Association, members manned election polling booths to help with an anti-amalgamation petition. The petition was signed by almost 80% of voters in the electorate.

2003/2004 Boat ramp - CCA asked council to repair the ramp which had a hole in it, broken edges and exposed steel and gravel. It had identified the need for a traction zone on the adjacent sandy beach to prevent erosion. Following an onsite meeting with CCA and others, council allocated funds to repair the ramp. Council undertook to deal with the traction zone at a later date. Public amenities at boat ramp and day picnic area - CCA requested upgrade of toilets near the boat ramp. The toilets were unsightly, lacked adequate lighting and ventilation and were of concern to health and personal safety. It also urged replacement of the toilet block in the day picnic area. This facility was in such bad repair it had been closed to the public. Council committed to repair and maintain existing boat ramp facilities and installed two portable toilets in day picnic area. CCA requested a more satisfactory solution to both. Boreen Point Village Precinct concept - In response to feedback from the community, CCA proposed that council develop a plan to preserve the atmosphere of Boreen Point.The Plan would foster a village culture through appropriate use of lighting, signage, traffic calming etc. 1 Laguna Street Boreen Point residential/commercial development proposal - Following the sale of a large bock at the corner of Louis Bazzo Drive and Laguna Street, developers applied to subdivide it for housing and commercial purposes. The proposal was for a number of large residential blocks plus a shopping centre with general store and petrol service. CCA organised a number of meetings and distributed questionnaires to 432 properties (164 Boreen Pt, 268 rural Cootharaba) to gauge community opinion. Of 190 responses, 66% favoured development of residential blocks but 74% were opposed to the shopping centre. Noosa River Management Plan - CCA responded to a last minute request from council for feedback on a draft of the Noosa River Management Plan. While the group supported the banning of jet skis on the river system and adoption of speed limits, it objected to: - introduction of a reticulated sewerage system with the requirement for a town water supply - Together these would encourage more widespread and intensive development. This would alter the character of the area - floating mobile pump-out facility for houseboats, to be moored off Boreen Point - Would be an eyesore and potentially hazardous should a malfunction occur - boat ramp at Dunn’s Beach - unsuitable location given the shallowness of the water, lack of appropriate vehicle access and encroachment on the camping ground.

2002/2003 Shaping the organisation and building relationships. CCA’s initial work focussed on: - clarifying its purpose and goals - setting up the organisational structure and processes - refining the constitution - building its profile - recruiting members - facilitating links with Noosa Council. Survey of community concerns. CCA then turned its attention to the issues raised by the questionnaire. These were whittled down to a short list for submission to council, as follows: - Village precinct, including pedestrian and vehicle shared area with 40 km limit, lighting, signage, seating, public amenities, and other community assets - Boat ramp repair and traction zone - Development of walking tracks - Jet ski noise and safety issues - Boats left on the beach

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