About CCA
The Cootharaba Community Association (CCA) is an incorporated association, as per the Associations Incorporation Act, that provides the people of Boreen Point, Cootharaba and other surrounding areas with a voice on issues affecting their community. The association became incorporated on 1 December 2017.
General meetings are held four times a year. The Management Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting.
View the CCA Inc Constitution [PDF]
View the CCA Inc Certificate of Incorporation [PDF]
The CCA has Public Liability Insurance of $5M [PDF]
Management Committee
The Management Committee (MC) meets when necessary to discuss issues relating to the management of the CCA and to delegate tasks. Current incumbents on the management committee are:
President: Rob Dessaix
Vice President: Tameson Godfrey
Treasurer: Rosey Edgar
Secretary: John Olds
Ordinary member (1): Ada Medak
Ordinary member (2): Tara Ferrier
Ordinary member (3) Minutes Secretary: Karen Eddy
Ordinary member (4) Website Manager: Paula Viljoen
The functions of the management committee are set out in Item 22 of the Constitution of the Cootharaba Community Association Inc.
Support for the Management Committee
The association was established with the following objective: ‘to represent the Cootharaba Community on issues that affect the community’.
All members of the management committee are volunteers and require the support of the other members of the association to meet this objective. It is not always possible or feasible for members of the management committee to participate in every meeting, workshop or community consultation regarding matters of interest or concern to the community.
Ordinary members may be required to take on the role of community representative or form a sub-committee with other members of the association to investigate and progress a particular matter. These members will need to provide progress updates to the management committee and respond to questions by members of the association at general meetings when required. Any decisions arising from the community representatives/sub-committee activities would require ratification by the Management Committee at a MC meeting.
Stay up to date with what CCA is doing and how this benefits our community.
History of CCA
The Cootharaba Community Association Inc (CCA) came into being in May 2002.
In February 2002, the Noosa Council convened a meeting with local residents. The council wanted to encourage discussion and involve residents in planning for the area. Forty-six people attended the meeting. Many ideas were put forward including the need for a group to represent the community. Ten local residents formed a committee, and the group met on 11 March 2002, and compiled a draft constitution. They sent out a questionnaire to gauge community support and what issues people felt needed addressing.
The first meeting of the group that was to become the CCA was held at the Boreen Point Sailing Club on 29 May 2002 with thirty-seven people attending.
The proposed constitution was discussed at length. After some changes were made, the organisation came into being as a non-incorporated association. The aim of the association was:
‘to represent the Cootharaba Community on issues that affect the community’.
The new body was to act as a conduit for community opinion rather than lead on issues decided by the committee.