Existing members renewal process
Please note: The CCA's financial year is from 1 April each year and as such, membership renewal fees are due by 31 March each year. Late renewals will be accepted up until 30 June without incurring a new membership joining fee. However, members must be financial in order to vote at the AGM, which is held in May.
Memberships for 2025/26 financial year are due by 31 March.
The cost of membership is $20 per person and payment is due by no later than 30 June 2024. If you haven't already renewed, please do so as soon as you can.
The Management Committee appreciates your continued support.
Payment can be made direct to:
The Treasurer
Rosalind Edgar
32 Woongar Street
Boreen Point 4565
Or by direct deposit:
Cootharaba Community Association Inc
AUSWIDE Bank BSB 645646
Account no. 104011041
(Please use your surname as reference and send notification of payment via text message to the Treasurer on 0412 384 862).
Note: If any of your details have changed e.g. address, phone, email, please email the Treasurer with your new details at cootharabaca@gmail.com.
If you have any queries about membership or if you wish to discontinue your membership, please email: cootharabaca@gmail.com.