The CCA holds general meetings four times a year on the second Saturday in February, May, August and November. Meeting dates are advertised on this website and members are notified by email. Special general meetings are called from time to time, as the need arises.
89th General Meeting: Date to be advised
Venue: Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club
Agendas and minutes
An agenda is set for each meeting by the Management Committee whose members are elected each year.
The most recent meeting minutes are available on this website and are emailed to members.
General business and motions
Items for general discussion can be raised by both members and residents under 'General Business' at the end of general meetings. Topics vary widely and may concern any matter that affects our community. You need to advise the Secretary of anything you want to raise at least 5 days before a meeting so it can be included on the agenda. Urgent matters can be raised at the meeting itself. Contact the Secretary.
Motions need to be presented to the Secretary in writing at least 5 days before a meeting is held. Please email the Secretary if you wish to present a motion .
Motions need to be presented in the appropriate format for voting. They essentially direct the Management Committee to act on the outcomes of motions voted on at meetings by members. To vote you must have been a financial member for at least six months.
COVID 19 Safety Plan
All meetings will be conducted in accordance with current COVID-19 directives. Refer to the Queensland Health website for up to date directives.
COVID-19 guidelines for attendees
Stay home if you are sick. If you feel unwell, go home and visit your doctor as soon as possible.
Stay home if you have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.